(703) 686-5621

As long as your panels are producing as they should, and you’re using the same amount of power as before you went solar, your bill will be lower.

If it’s not lower, a typical reason for this is something called the Rebound Effect. The Rebound Effect can sometimes happen to people who adopt new technologies in renewable energy and subconsciously are not as energy efficient as they were before. Without even thinking, you might not turn the lights out when you leave the room or you might be less vigilant about hot water use from your electric water heater because you know your power is renewable now. Before you know it, your house is lit up like a Christmas tree, your fingers are pruney, and your utility bill is just as high or higher than it was before.

You need a way to monitor your electricity use and production so that you can avoid this dreaded Rebound Effect and reap the benefits of lower bills. When we install your system, we will set you up with a monitoring system that will show you your solar production and how much grid energy you’re using during the day. If you add a consumption monitor, it’ll help you track your in-home energy usage as well. Check out this blog post to learn more!